Happy feet (2006)

Yes, an animation! Not many cartoon can be consider a dance movie, but this one surely is an exceptional one. I know, it primarily focused on the sending of green message, however, the tap dancing was really fabulous too!

The young Mumble was a natural tap dancer- we all born to have unique talent, but tapping wasn't ideal for this colony, they treasured singing, and thought dancing was more like an anti-social behaviour. Our poor little penguin was discriminated everywhere in his own home, he started his journey with some newly met friends and tried to save the food from the 'aliens'. Finally he used his natural talent to alert the highly civilized part of the world (yes, that's us) the importance of conservation.

Well, through the whole movie, dancing was not the theme, it was a way to express, a way to present your thought and feeling, a good pastime when you have nothing else to do, a good ritual to cheer yourself up when you are depressed. Is it life? How many of us see dancing very seriously? Not a small number but would be relative small comparing to people who treat dancing a profession.

Alright, that's not my point, what I want to say is that we could harness dancing, this wonderful art form to do a lot of thing. Maybe fund-raising for green organizations?
