Samba Syllabus Figures 17-23

Lady is turning most of the time, busy adjusting her body alignment, so man needs to give a firm support and clear signal.

*figure development: rock & run, walk & roll, hop & lock

Figure 17: Open Rocks
Man Lady
Count Movement Count Movement
S RF fwd S LF back
Q LF fwd, small step. Q RF back at 90 degree to Man on his R side. Small step, toe turned out.
Q Replace weight to RF, toe slightly turned out Q Replace weight to LF.
S LF fwd S RF back and slightly to side
Q RF fwd, small step Q LF back at a 90 degree angle to Man on his L side. Small step, toe turned out.
Q Replace weight to LF, toe slightly turned out Q Replace weight to RF
S RF fwd S LF back and slightly to side
Q LF fwd, small step Q RF back at 90 to Man on his R side. Small step, toe turned out
Q Replace weight to RF, toe slightly turned out. Q Replace weight to LF

Figure 18: Back Rocks
Man Lady
Count Movement Count Movement
S RF back S LF fwd
Q Replace weight to LF, having moved it slightly leftwards Q Replace weight to RF, having moved it slightly rightwards
Q Replace weight to RF Q Replace weight to LF
S LF back S RF fwd
Q Replace weight to RF, having moved it slightly rightwards Q Replace weight to LF, having moved it slightly leftwards
Q Replace weight to LF Q Replace weight to RF

Figure 19: Plait
Man Lady
Count Movement Count Movement
S RF back, with part weight S Swivel to LF on RF and LF fwd, small step
S Taking full weight to RF, LF back, small step, with part weight S Swivel to R on LF and RF fwd, small step, having brushed LF
Q Taking full weight to LF, RF back, small step, with part weight Q Swivel to LF on RF and LF fwd, small step, having brushed RF.
Q Taking full weight to RF, LF back, small step, with part weight Q Swivel to R on LF and RF fwd, small step, having brushed LF
S Taking full weight to LF, RF back, small step, with part weight S Swivel to LF on RF and LF fwd, small step, having brushed RF.

Figure 20: Rolling off the Arm
Man Lady
Count Movement Count Movement
1 LF to side 1 RF fwd (after turning 1/4 to R)
2 RF behind LF with partial weight (cuban cross) 2 Close LF to RF
3 take minimal weight to RF and replace weight to LF 3 RF to side and close LF to RF without weight in RSP. L knee veers inwards
1 RF to side 1 LF fwd (after turning 1/4 to L)
2 LF behind RF with partial weight (cuban cross) 2 Closed RF to LF
3 take minimal weight to LF and replace weight to RF 3 LF to side and close RF to LF without weight in RSP. R knee veers inwards

Figure 21: Argentine Crosses
Man Lady
Count Movement Count Movement
Q LF fwd, toe turned out Q RF fwd in line with LF, small step. Toe turned out
Q RF behind LF (Cuban Cross) Q LF to side and slightly back
S LF to side and slightly fwd S RF fwd in line with LF, small step. Toe turned out.
Q RF fwd in line with LF, small step. Toe turned out Q LF fwd, toe turned out
Q LF to side and slightly back Q RF behind LF (Cuban Cross)
S RF fwd in line with LF, small step. Toe turned out S LF to side and slightly fwd

Figure 22: Maypole
Man (Circular Volta) Lady (Spot Volta)
Count Movement Count Movement
1 Cuban Cross w/ RF in front of LF 1 RF in front of LF (Cuban Cross)
a LF to side and slightly back w/o weight, toe turned out a LF to side and slightly back w/o weight. Toe turned out.
2 Take part weight to LF and draw RF in Cuban Cross 2 Take part of weight to LF and swivel on ball of RF, keeping it in place.
End RF in front of LF (Cuban Cross) in Closed Position
a 1 a 2 Repeat step 2 and 3 twice. a 1 a 2 Repeat

Figure 23: Shadow Circular Volta
Shadow Circular Volta RF moving L Shadow Circular Volta LF moving R
Count Movement Count Movement
Circular Volta starts with RF 1
Circular Volta starts with LF
7a8 Bota fogo 7a8 Bota fogo

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