Samba Reggae Basic Figures

internet source: Reggae Fusion
A dance that you can enjoy solo as there is no need for a partner. Coming from te Bahia region on NE Brazil, the music is a cross between Samba and Reggae. With its vibrant and catchy beat it is a popular option for singles as well as a wider audience of Latin music and dance enthusiasts. The effect is not unlike an aerobics class, with the solo dancer facing front, either scattered randomly or in lines. In Brazils, open-air Samba Reggae can attract large crowds if participants, all follow the moves of the leader.
Figure 1: Passo Basico
The basic Samba Reggae move, and very similar to the Side Basic Samba but w/I the weight change. Start dancing w/ feet a little apart. Feel the rhythm and interpret it by adding own expression to the basic move- use the whole body to dance w/ the beat.
Move sideways onto LF
Tap or touch the RF next to the LF
Move sideways onto RF
Tap or touch the LF next to the RF

Figure 2: Passo de Mile Tyson
Includes the type of defensive shoulder shrug used by boxers like the world-class heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. Go to Bahia and everyone will know the Passo de Mike Tyson. There is no need to take steps in this move. Start w/ feet apart, standing on RF.
Transfer weight onto LF and move L shoulder fwd, while making a fist w/ hands
Transfer weight onto RF Andover R shoulder fwd, while making a fist w/ hands

Figure 3: O Pente
Movements reable combing the hair, hence the name the “Comb”. In O Pente, there are no steps, so feet do not move. Start w/ feet apart, weight on RF.
Transfer weight slowly onto LF, as turning upper body to the R. Draw L hand over head as if combing hair
Transfer weight slowly onto RF, as turning upper body to the L. Draw R hand over head as if combing hair

Figure 4: Passo de Pele
Tribute is paid to one of Brazil’s soccer superheroes in the “Pele Step”
Move fwd onto LF
Kick the RF fwd (as if kicking a football)
Move back onto RF
Tap LF behind but w/o transferring weight
igure 5: Abrir a Cortina
Means “Opening the Cutains”. The same as Passo Basico but w/ arm movements to mime opening curtains.
Move sideways onto LF, extending the L arm and moving it outwards to end opposite the LF. Reset the R hand on the R hip
Tap or touch the RF next to the LF
Move sideways onto RF, extending the R arm and moving it outward to end opposite the RF. Reset the L hand on the L hip
Tap or Touch the LF next to RF

Figure 6: La Bailarina
The “Ballerna Step” and has a very similar pattern of Samba Whisk. During the move to the L, rotate the arms cw to end extended on the L side; during the move to the R, rotate the arms ccw to end extended on the R side.
Move sideways onto LF
Tap or touch RF behind LF, turning the RF out. Avoid lowering the R heel but maintain pressure through the toes
Move sideways onto RF
Tap or touch LF behind RF, turning the LF out. Avoid lowering the L heel button tail pressure through the toes.

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