Tap Dance Basics

Kandykane Dancing the "A Lovely Night (from LaLaLand)


  1. tap the ball or pad of the foot against the floor, use ankle only.
  2. hit the floor w/ the tip of the foot, usually behind the other foot, w/o weight change.
heep tap
strike the heel of the foot on the floor and release immediately.
ball step with a change of weight.
ball step without change of weight.
flat step with weight.
flat step without weight, i.e. lift foot off floor afterwards.
(heel) dig
heel step w/ or w/o weight.
heel (drop)
standing on the balls of one or both feet, ‘drop’ the heel(s) w/ or w/o weight.
ball (drop)
standing on the heels of one or both feet, ‘drop’ the ball(s) w/ or w/o weight.
toe stand
stand on one or both tips of the feet.
standing on one foot, jump up and land on the same foot.
standing on one foot, jump up and land on the other foot.
standing on one or both feet, jump up and land on both feet.
stand on one leg sweep the opposite leg fwd from the hip striking the ball of the foot. (Bck motion known as ‘spank’)
as a brush, but striking the floor with the heel instead of the ball.

strike the ball and drop the heel
brush fwd + brush bck.
There are different ways to perform a shuffle.
  • Broadway-style shufles use knee movement to swing the foot into a shuffle.
  • Hoofers generally execute a shuffle from movement in the upper leg and hip.
However, hip-initiated shuffles is widely preferred because it is easier to get speed and clarity from the hip.
scuffle / paddle
scuff + brush bck
brush fwd + step (which is striking the ball of the foot on the floor with a change of weight).
  • The flap is often counted as “&1”.
  • mind the difference b/w shuffle & flap: shuffle=brush+brush; flap=brush+step
brush fwd + touch.
  • similar to the flap but w/o change of weight
placing the heel on ground and slapping the ball where the heel was in a pickng up motion.
standing on the balls of one or both feet, jump up, hitting the ground w/ the ball(s) and land on the same foot (or both feet)
standing on one leg, swing the other leg to the front, first hitting the ground w/ the ball then the heel.
two steps on alternating feet. The first step does not get full weight.

riff + bck brush
using only the toe tap of one foot, striking w/ the outer edge of the tap, followed by the inner edge, followed by the ball of the foot.
one foot is placed on the floor w/ or w/o weight, first hitting w/ the ball, then w/ the heel, then again w/ the ball. Usually very fast w/ precision.
shuffle + hop + step on the foot that had brushed in the beginning
three beat shuffle
two beat shuffle performed w/ heel instead of ball.

ball (R) +ball (L) + heel (R) + heel (L) or
ball (L) +ball (R) + heel (L) + heel (R);
often counted as ‘1 & a 2’;
also know as a flap cramp roll or 5-cramp roll,
or done double time to be known as bite cramproll when counted as a & a 1.
same foot doing scuffle + step + heel
riff walk
riff + same foot dig-ball.
can be extended to a 5-sound riff walk by inserting a heel on the other foot b/w the riff and the dig-ball.
four beat shuffle
a shuffle w/ four beats, with relaxed movement of the foot
named for its resemblance to Irish jigs.
shuffle + hop on the standing foot + working foot cross (either in front or behind)

Basic Combinations
Ball-Heel (Ball Dig + Heel Drop)
Shuffle (Brush Fwd + Brush Bck)/ Ball-Heel
Heel Dig + Brush Bck + Heel Droop + Ball Dig + Heel Drop

Heel Dig + Brush Bck + Ball Dig

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