The Way We Dance (2013)

It seems a bit late to write about this but really, I have been working on something so I couldn't do it earlier. Anyway, I watched it on this stormy day and it cheered me somehow.
Certainly, plot should be a determining element to be a good movie, but as we all know, storyline usually does not matter so much in this high school type of movies. Presentation is another factor but I wouldn't say I like it, but of course I am not an expert of films. So I am going to understand it as a dancer.
Characters- well, I can't say I like any one of them, nor I dislike any one of them. It just seemed that these guys had no real life apart from dancing, even their love stories did not look sweet enough- it just didn't feel right for university students did not having part tine, struggling with assignments, having real life problems. These portraits were obviously not real. Noh, wait, Momoko looked real but she chose to 'betray' them (for me, I think she made a choice to pursue her bigger dream which is not the same as BombA’s.)
The catchy phrase 'how far can you go, if it is for dancing', sounds really like a teenager. As a keen dancer, I believe, the hardest part is not to struggle with injuries (we live with them); the hardest part, however, has been struggling between real life matters (studying, earning a living, developing one's own career) and the desire to pursue professional technique. We love dancing, so if we choose it our career, we can go far more than any one can imagine, but when it couldn't feed us then we mostly make it a part time aside our regular job.
Rooftoppers were nice in group dance. It just makes little sense to me to chase on the roof like ninjas, jumping from one building to another and hang yourself like a flag on the roof top (is it how they got their name?). Would it be a culture of the local Hip Hop dancers I do not know, but it looked weird to me that dancers endangering their lives pretending to be spidermen. We are dancers, not acrobats. I always think that we need to care for our bodies and health, because we love dancing and want to dance more. So whenever we are not stuntmen we better keep us in a good condition.

The story- um, the major idea has been better than the acting. For one thing I would say it's better than Street Dance 2. In the world of dancing, I don’t think there is a thing called ‘enemy’, every competitor can be rival for the same cup or championship, but even when we are on the same floor, we appreciate each other’s effort. We like to perfect ourselves and go beyond rather than thinking of ‘beating’ the others.
As a teacher, I would like to see those with natural talent to shine on the floor and when they reach the top and go beyond me, I would truly be proud of them. The BombA girl Hua got inspired by Stormy of Rooftopper made a resonation with a true teacher. I like Stormy most of the time, he never flaunted but stayed humble. He saw the talent in Hua and did not hide his admiration, he saw her fail but he cheered her up, although they were competitors.
The Dances- alright, please do remember that I am not a professional in Hip Hop, and I have personal bias watching dances. I don’t like the dances until the last competition. When Stormy was video-ing BombA’s first team dance, and announced the debut of the fresh girl, and determined ‘she was the coolest of all’… I just couldn’t agree with that. Although it makes sense for the whole team to improve from not-so-good to very-good, I couldn’t forget that from the beginning, BombA had already been quite nice and they came second in everything, tightly following Rooftopper. With this background, I would not expect a not-so-nice dance.
I like the idea of merging Tai Chi and Hip Hop, martial arts and modern dance have already been married so why not Tai Chi and Hip Hop? In fact I like this part of dancing very much. I myself did kick-boxing (and am a certified trainer as well) my son does a lot of Tae Kwon Do and freshly earned a black strip belt, we both find quite a lot of similarities between martial arts and dancing. The merged up dance looked more like jazz, but Hip Hop does derive from jazz (and later on grew some distinctive characters).
The final competition was great. It made a great show. A great show, to me, means that it didn’t look like a competition. In my understanding, a competition is more about technique, choreography, musicality and presentation, but it does not include using other gears. They have an awesome choreography. With the heavy beat of stomping the sticks, we felt the thrill rising up from the bottom of the heart. However, it did not overdo by giving us a break and calmed us with the Tai Chi. We also had a very cute shadowgraphy presenting a story. And then we got back to the group dance, which was also a very entertaining one. The group had been really great! They together made a good show although I did not see much on individual’s technique and musicality; well, a team dance meant to have more on co-ordination and connection, so it did not fail in making a great team dance. 
