Belly Dancing Basic Elements- Posture, Stance & Poses

internet source: Belly Dancing
Proper Posture
  1. stand w/ feet 30cm apart and parallel, knees unlocked.
  2. stragihten spine until there is not even the slightest slouch in upper body.
  3. gently push shoulders back and lift chin to a comfortable level, about 1cm higher than normal.
  4. flex abdominal muscles until stomach is slightly lifted and feel tension in lower abdomen.
  5. body appear calm but proud.
  6. upper body:
    1. arms bent slightly a the elbow, raise them at sides until hands are about chest level.
    2. bend wrists, sjust slightly qraising hands.
  7. lower body:
    1. bend knees just a little so that they are soft, then slide LF 15 cm forward.
    2. rise up onto the ball of the LF, arching heel sharply upward.
  8. weight distribution:
    1. 70% of body weight should be on the back leg, 30% on the front.
    2. if weight is even, lean back slightly so weight can naturally shift onto the back leg.

Legs & Feet: Basic Stances
  1. Flat foot: stand w/ entire foot flat on the floor and body weight equally distributed
  2. Releve: or arched foot position. Stand high on te ball of the foot w/ heels off the ground as if stretching up to reach something. All weight is supported by the ball of the foot and the joints of first two row. (Not the ‘on points’ position in ballet)


  1. Offering
  2. Araby Push
  3. Egyptian Goddess
  4. Finale Posture: Ra’s Crown

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