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internet source: Belly Dancing |
- Hip Drops
- First double check that your body is in a strong foundation position with proper weight distribution
- Lift L hip slowly by contracting the muscles that run down the L side of abdomen. As lifting hip, don’t lift the rest of the body! Keep head in an even position by allowing L knee to bend a little and the R to straighten slightly, while pulling hip up.
- When hip is as high as it can go, hold it there for two counts, then drop it sharply by releasing the contraction and actively using leg and pelvic strength to force the hip down lower than its original position in foundation. Hold it there for another two counts, accentuatin gthe down motion. Raise the hip slowly, again couting one, two in your head, and sharply drop it while counting three, four.
- Repeat on the R side.
- Hip Drop w/ a Kick:
- Start in the Hip Drop position- LF flat, RF fwd
- Drop R hip once,
- Lift hip, drop hip again and kick RF out. Be delicate and kon’t kick too high.
- Repeat: drop, drop and kick, drop, drop & kick. Do kicks on the 2nd and 4th beats. Switch sides.
- Hip Lifts
- Starting in foundation position and using the same count speed as the hip drop, sharply lift hip with a jerk.
- Hold for two counts and slowly release hip back down to foundation level.
- Travelling Hip Lifts and Drops
- Begin in the Basic Stance. Step fwd w/ LF, placing it flat on the ground in front of you. Take care to keep chest lifted.
- Step fwd w/ RF, touching the floor w/ toes as contracting side abdominals and lift R hip w/I twisting it.
- Step fwd w/ RF, placing it flat on the floor in front of you, as releasing side abdominals and drop the hip.
- Step fwd w/ LF, touching the floor w/ toes as lifting L hip.
- Step fwd w/ LF, placing it flat on the floor in the front as you drop your hip. Repeat step 2-5 as necessary to travel fwd. to end it, at the end of the Step 5, step fwd w/ RF so that feet are parallel.
Hip Snaps
- L and R hip snap (also Hip Pop)
- stand in foundation, bend supporting leg 7.5cm more than usual. increasing the bend on the supporting leg gives hips more room to move. In one fast movement, bend R leg down, straighten L leg slightly and sharply snap L hip out to the L.
- Then quickly bend L leg sown, straighten R and sharply snap R hip out to the R. Alternate L and R in short sharp movements until ten snaps done on each side. Each snap should equal one count.
- Front and back (also Pelvic Undulation)
- just as fast as w/ the L and R snap, softly bend knees and snap pelvis a little to the front by tightening abdomen muscles sharply. A small fast snap is enough- any more can look vulgar.
- Then snap to the back by arching spine and pushing pelvic back. Repeat the front and back snaps ten times in each direction. Keep the movements distinct and tight, counting one for each snap.
Hip Thrust
- start in the foundation position, keeping hips straight and knees softly bent. W RF, step about 60cm to the R. Lift heel, arching foot, and place 70% of weight on supporting L leg.
- Isolating the rest of body, thrust R hip sharply up and out for one count. Slowly bring hip back in, also for one count.
- Hip Thrust Return: starting on the R side, instead of sharply thrusting hips out, push them out gently and quickly snap them back into place. This accents the movement in instead of the movement out.
- Adding details: on the thrust, switch hands into the offering position, then roll them back into basic on the Return.
- Joining Thrust and Return: dance ten hip thrusts to each side, without pausing in between. Follow with hip return thrusts on each side.
Hip Rolls (make by proper footwork and leg strength)
- Hip Roll-
- for the first count, step out to the R so that feet are shoulder width apart, and flat on the ground. Sit out as far as can be to the R and bend knees slightly. 70% weight on R.
- For the second count, arch RF as high as can be tightly contracting the muscles that run down the R side of torso. This will dramatically lift hip. Make sure not to bob up and down by keeping head and body at the same height as when started the arch and contraction. Allowing knees to bend and flex naturally with the hip roll helps to keep level.
- For the third count, roll hips from R to L in one smooth movement. Push hips as far as can be to the L while shifting weight to the L leg. Once having rolled to the L, release contracted muscles and drop arched foot flat on the ground while sitting out. This final position is the perfect staring point for the L hip roll- repeat from step 1, but w/ L hip.
- Reverse Hip Roll
- Beginning by moving into the beginning stance of a R hip roll, bit do not push hips so far. Remember to soften knees and keep height consistent.
- Tightly contract the muscles on L side and sharply arch LF. Unlike the hip roll in which you keep your hips thrust out while contracting, in the reverse hip roll you must keep your hip pulled in as close as possible to your centre point during the lift and contraction.
- While you hip is in the lifted position, push it gently out to the L. Release the contracted muscles and drop the arched foot. Again, allow knees to bend and flex naturally w/ the movement so to remain level. The mantra for the reverse hip roll: left up, push left, drop, right up, push right, drop
- Variations: during hip rolls and reverse hip rolls, try bending knees deeply and do a few low rolls, gradually straightening legs until return to normal height.
Small Hip Circles
- Begin in the Basic Stance feet hip-width apart. Shift weight on to L leg as bending R knee and smoothly push L hip out to the L.
- Shift weight fwd on to toes and bend both knees slightly. Keep hips straight as pushing abdominals out.
- Shift weight on to R leg and bend L knee as pushing R hip out to the R. Keep the movement smooth.
- Complete the Hip circle by shifting weight to the centre as straghtening knees to contract lower abdominals.
- Combine step 1-4 in a smooth, circular movement. Practise in both directions.
Large Hip Circles
- Stand in basic foundation w/ feet shoulder width apart. Begin by sitting out to the R as far as is comfortable for two counts.
- Slowly round hips forward, leaning back with pelvic tucked under and spine straight for two counts.
- Next push hips out to the L as far as is comfortable for two counts.
- Follow w/a fwd lean, again w/ a straight back, for two counts.
- Adding elegant arm movements:
- For the first four counts as rounding the circle to the R, switch hands to the offering position.
- Slowly bring arms together at chest level, softly crossing them close to body as hips round from R to fwd, back and L.
- As hips round back to the R, return arms slowly to the basic position w/ palms down.
Moroccan Hip Circles
- Begin w/ weight on L leg, RF slightly further fwd than L w/ heel lifted and knee slightly bent. Twist R hip fwd.
- w/ hip still twisted fwd, lift it by contracting side abdominals and straightening leg. Keep the movement smooth and controlled.
- W/ hip still lifted, slowly twist it round and back. Be careful not to allow shoulders and upper body to twist back.
- Keeping R heel lifted, complete the circle by relaxing side abdominals to drop hip as slightly bend R knee.
- Practise step1-4 combining them into a smooth, circular movement. Then change direction and practise hip backwards. Practise on both L & R hips.
- Assume the basic Hip Drop position- LF flat, RF fwd
- Lift R hip in the centre.
- Bring R hip over and drop it fwd
- Lift the same hip and drop it to the back, bending R knee each time you drop.
- Repeat alternating fwd and back, fwd and back. Switch sides.
Hip Shimmy (flat & on-toe)
- Hip Shimmy
- The shimmy emanates from the knees, not the hips. Modify foundation pose by placing feet side by side and flat on the ground. Relax knees, bending them slightly so that they are loose and supple.
- Bent R knee and notice that L hip lifts slightly. Do not pick L knee and try to keep it soft. Return R knee to its starting position, also w/I straightening or locking.
- Bend L knee and notice that R hip lifts. Return L knee to its original position.
- Now slowly bend knees, alternating L and R. As each knee rises and drops so will the opposite hip. This is the cornerstone of the shimmy.
- Hip Shimmy On-toe
- Keeping legs togetherm rise up onto thee balls of feet.
- Scoot fwd. Use the same knee action as the Hip Shimmy, alternately bending and straightening.
- Gradually build up speed, keep toes on the floor and heels up. By scooting and not lifting either foot completely off the ground, Shimmy will be silent, it should not sould like stomping.
Algerian Shimmy (also Up & Over Shimmy)
- Start by circling the R hip
- hip,
- up, then lifting the RF as the hips comes up, over,
- down, and setting the RF down flat as the hip comes down.
- Circle the R hip a few times to get used to the feeling. Then switch sides.
- the weet want to go pigeon-toe or cross over as you step. Neither of these is correct. Try the following walk separately from the hip movement:
- Step flat w/ RF. Make sure the foot faces straight fwd.
- Twist the L heel inward w/ a slight lift.
- Step flat w/ LF, again making sure the foot faces straight fwd.
- Twist the R heel inward w/ a slight lift.
- Put the walk and the hip movement together. Lift each hip at the same time the opposite heel lifts and twists. When you put your foot down flat, the same hip is fwd and down. Alternate RF and hip, LF and hip. Gradually build up speed. Do this 32 times.
Three-Quarters Shimmy
- W/ your ankles together, push R hip out, both feet flat. Tighten the R buttock, causing the fringe or coins on your hipscarf to jump.
- Keeping hips slid to the R, lift the L heel and hip up, directly under ribcage.
- Keeping L heel up, drop the L hip. Hold the fourth beat. Don’t move! Then switch sides.
Hip Twist
- Begin in Basic Stance. Keeping chest still, contract abdominals and twist R hip fwd as you simultaneously twist the L hip back. Keep knees soft.
- Keeping hips level, contract abdominals and twist L hip fwd as you simultaneously twist R hip back. Keep feet flat on the floor as you twist.
- Practise twisting one hip fwd, then the other hip, keeping the movement smooth and rhythmic and gradually building up speed.
- Try this w/ up-tempo music as you increase the speed.
- Travelling HipTwist, typical in Ghawazee:
- Begin in the Basic Stance. Step fwd flat w/ RF. Keep chest lifted.
- Twist R hip fwd, keeping R leg straight. Avoid twisting upper body.
- Twist hip back, remembering to keep hips as level as possible and knees very slightly bent.
- Shift weight on to R leg and take a small step fwd flat w/ LF.
- Keeping L leg straight, twist L hip fwd, remembering to keep chest lifted.
- Twist hip back. Repeat step 1-6 to travel fwd. To finish. At the end of step six, shift weight on to L leg and step fwd w/ RF so that feet are parallel.
Tunisian Twist (One-Hip-Twist, twist entire leg and hip fwd, swivelling on toes. Swivel on toes as you begin, snap the toes off the ground as you advance)
- Forward hip twist
- Stand in basic stance. On the first count, gently step forward on LF, planting it firmly on the ground in front of you.
- Twist L hip sharply fwd and round to the front while turning foot in the same direction. Softly twist hip back to the starting position while gently lifting foot off the floor in a small kick. Put your foot back down in the same place you kicked off from and dance another hip twist.
- Back hip twist
- Begin by performing a fwd hip twist, but do not forcefully thrust hip fwd. Just softly extend it w/a gentle push.
- Snap hip back sharply, using the momentum to kick foot lightly off the floor before setting it down again.
- Pivoting One-Hip Twist:
- keepin gthe standing leg stationary, pivot as you twist, making a complete circle.
- One-Hip Twist On-Toes
- Go up on your toes and keep twisting, but this time, instead of pivoting, travel sideways with the same hip that ‘s twisting.
- Hip twist walk
- Perform a full L hip twist, accentuating the fwd motion
- Twist hip back energetically, softly kicking foot up off the floor.
- Instead of placing LF back down for another hip twist, use it to take a large step, about 30cm, fwd, turning toes moderately out to the L.
- Immediately step fwd w/ RF, moving quickly into a R hip twist. As RF lifts off the ground, take a large step fwd. now quickly step fwd w/ LF, repeating the entire segment from the beginning.
Turkish Eight (horizonal inward Figure of Eight)
- Twist R hip to the front, keeping the LF flat and R heel lifted. Twist from the waist, but keep chest lifted and facing fwd, stomach in.
- Shift theweight from RF to LF, pushing the R hip diagonally back from the R to the L w/o changing the foot position.
- Set the R heel down so both feet are grounded flat on the floor.
- Lift the L heel as you twist the L hip to the front, keeping the RF flat and L heel lifted. Twist from the waist, but keep chest liftd and facing fwd, stomach in.
- Shift weight from L to RF, pushing the L hip diag back from the L to the R w/o changing the foot position.
- Set the L heel down so both feet are flat on the floor. Merge the movements together to make a smooth Figure Eight. Repeat 16 times.
Egyptian Eight (horizonal outward Figure of Eight)
- Begin in the Basic Stance. Twist R hip fwd, bending R knee, and shifting weight onto R leg.
- Contract abdominals on R side and Twist R hip back, keeping both knees soft. Take care not to lock R leg straight.
- Push L hip fwd and bend L knee as shifting weight on to L leg.
- Complete the Figure of Eight by contracting abdominals on the L hip back, keeping knees soft.
- Practise combining steps 1-4 in a smooth, fluid movement. Be careful to keep hips level as shifting weight from side to side.
Hip Sway (vertical inward Figure of Eight)
- Stand straight, stomach in, chest lifted. Keep both feet flat on the floor as pushing R hip out to the siide.
- Lift R heel as R hip comes up.
- Cross the R hip diagonally down to the L, shifting weight to the LF as pushing L hip out to the side. Both feet are now flat again.
- Lift L heel as the L hip comes up.
- Cross L hip diag down to the R, shifting weight to RF as pushing R hip out to the side once again. Both feet are now flat. Repeat 16 times.
Maya (vertical outward Figure of Eight, begin by heel lifted, feet flatted as you advance)
- Begin in the Basic Stance. Shift weight on to L leg. Lift R heel, bend R knee, and contract side abdominals to raise R hip.
- Keeping hip lifted, w/ RF, step out to the R double hip-width as straightening your leg. Keep heel lifted.
- Lower heel so that RF is flat on the floor, bend R leg, and relax side abdominals tor release hip.
- Complete the Maya by cmoothly sliding RF in to meet the L one.
- Practise combining steps 1-4 into a smooth, controlled, fluid movement. Then practise the Maya on the L side.
Hip Snake & Travelling Hip Snake
- Stand in the Basic Stance. Step out double hip-width w/ RF, bend R knee slightly, and push R hip out to the side.
- Lift R heel, and lift R hip by contracting side abdominals and straightening leg. Keep chest lifted and still.
- W/ just the toes touching the floor, slide RF in so it is hip-distance from the L. Contract side abdominals to keep the chest still.
- Drop your hip by bending R leg and relaxing side abdominals, but remember to keep the toes of RF pointed and heel lifted.
- Repeat steps 1-4, combining them in a smooth, flowing movement. Then practise the Hip Snake on the L side.
- Travelling Hip Snake
- Begin in the Basic Stance. Step out double hip-width to the L as bending R knee, shifting weight on to R leg, and pushing R hip out to the side.
- Bring R heel off the floor as straightening R leg and contract side abdominals to raise R hip. Take care to keep shoulders level.
- Shift weight on to L leg and slide RF in to meet LF, keeping heel and hip lifted.
- Release side abdominals, dropping hip and bending R knee slightly as lowering R heel. Repeat steps 1-4 to continue to travel to the L. Reverse the steps to travel to the R.
Belly Roll
- Relax belly entirely and contract lower abdominal muscles.
- Gradually release the lower abs and simultaneously begin to contract the ones.
- As upper abs clench and pull in close to your body, fully relax lower abs.
- Finally, flex lower abs while relaxing the upper muscles, then begin the series again.
- Variation: do it in reverse. Instead of starting by contracting the lower abdominal muscles, contract the upper ones, then move on to the lower.
- Instead of facing front in the foundation stance, turn body ⅛ diag fwd to R. Thrust chest fwd as far as can be, arching upper spine and pushing shoulders back.
- keeping the arch strong, allow lower back to release and push hips back. Extend and lengthen body up toward the ceiling, leading with chest.
- Start to lean back. Support lower spine by tucking pelvis slightly up and in.
- With knees softly bent, continue to lean back as far as it can go w/o any strain to spine or abdominal muscles.
- Curl in chest and roll upper body fwd until entire body is almost crouched into a reverse C shape.
- To finish, stronly arch chest out and push hips back again. Continue w/ the fwd momentum and lead w/ chest until rise up and slide into the beginning position.
- Variation: High / Low Undulations-
- Standing in foundation, step fwd on RF in a rocking motion. Then rock back on LF. When the fwd rock begins, arch chest fwd and begin the undulation. As rocking back, finish the undulation with the lower part of the body.
- Try adding a dip to the undulation by bending knees on one full undulating rock back and forth, then standing on toes for a second full rock back and forth. Alternate between high and low undulations while rocking on feet for a count of 16.
Chest Thrust / Chest Roll
- Chest Thrust Side to Side (also Chest Slide or Ribcage Slide)
- keeping shoulders relaxed and hips directly over legs, isolate chest and thrust it out to the R as far as possible.
- Return tot he centre and push to the L. If it looks as if you are not really moving but simply bending your chest, try counteracting this by slightly lifting the shoulder on the side in which you are thrusting.
- Chest Thrust Front and Back
- Thrust chest fwd as far as possible, pulling shoulders back and arching upper spine.
- Then roll shoulders fwd and curve back so that it appears as if you are slouching, with your chest caving in.
- Chest Roll
- perform a ‘box’ (fwd, R, back, L) of chest thrusts with upper body. Each move should be two counts.
- a chest circle will take a total of four counts to achieve.
- Combination of all slides: head slide, chest slide, hip slide (hip thrust to R & L)
Chest Lift and Drop / Chest Circle
- Start to the Basic Stance w/ hands on the hips. Lift ribcage by breathing and lengthening upper abdominals.
- Keeping back straight, breathe out as contract your upper abdominals and your ribcage.
- Breathe in as lift, out as drop.
- Chest Circle:
- Begin in the Basic Stance w/ hands on hops to help you keep them still. Lift the ribcage by lengthening the abdominals and stretching torso up. Take care not to push chest out.
- Maintaining the lifted position, slide ribcage to the R. Ensure that you keep hips still.
- Drop ribcage by contracting upper abdominals. Take care not to roll shoulders fwd.
- w/ ribcage still on the dropped position, and taking care to keep hips still, slide ribcage to the L.
- W/ ribcage still to the L, lift it by lengthening abdominals. Remember to keep the movement smooth.
- Still in the lifted position, slide ribcage to the centre. Keep chest lifted and shoulders back.
- Practise putting steps2-6 together so that you combine the sliding, lifting and dropping actions in a smooth, circular movement. Practise circling in both directions.
Camel (Also Body Wave) & Camel Walk
- Chest Camel
- Stand w/ hands on hips, one foot slightly fwd to keep you steady. Lengthen your upper abdominals and push your chest fwds.
- Lengthen your abdominals further and lift chest. Be careful not to arch back too much and not to allow your lower body and hips to move.
- Pull chest back slightly and drop it by contracting upper abdominals, keeping the movement slow and controlled. Avoid tilting hips fwd.
- Combine steps 1-3 into a smooth circular movement. Lengthen your abdominals, then push chest fwds, up, back and down.
- Hip Camel
- Begin in the Basic Stance. Step fwd w/ RF, shifting weight fwd as bending R knee, tilt pelvis down, and push out lower abdominals.
- Raise R heel as begin contracting lower abdominals. Use thighs to control the movement and keep it smooth.
- Straighten R leg, and shift weight back on to L leg as tilting pelvis up and fully contracting abdominals. Keep the toes of RF on the floor for balance.
- Practise combining steps 1-3, tilting hips down as shifting weight fwd, then up again as shifting weight back. The movement should be smooth and undulating. Then practise the Hip Camel w/ the L leg fwd.
- The Camel (Body Wave) combines the movements of Hip Camel and Chest Camel.
- Stand w/ RF fwd, hands on hips. EntShift weight on to R leg, bending it slightly as tilting hips down and lengthening upper abdominals to push chest fwd.
- continue lengthening abdominals to lift chest as simultaneously bring R heel off the floor. Use R thigh to keep steady.
- Pull chest back, smoothly dropping it down as shifting weight back on to L leg, tilting hips up and straightening R leg. Keep the movement slow and controlled.
- Repeat step 1-3 keping the movement as fluid as possible. Then practice the move w/ L leg fwd.
- Camel Walk
- keeping the same chest camel movements while doing a travelling hip camel
- begin in Basic stance. Step fwd w/ RF, shifting weight fwd as bending your knee, tilt hips down, and puts out abdominals.
- Contract abdominals and start to tilt hips up as beginning stepping fwd w/ LF. Be careful to keep chest lifted.
- Step down flat w/ LF, shift weight fwd as bending L knee, tilt hips down, and puts put abdominals.
- Contract abdominals, and start to tilt hips up as beginning stepping fwd w/ RF. Be careful not to lean back.
- Step down flat w/ Rf, shifting weight fwd as bending R knee, tilt hips down, and push out abdominals. Repeat step 1-5 to travel fwd. To end, step feet together.
- Stand w/ feet shoulder-width apart and hands in basic one.
- On dominant side, step directly back w/ the corresponding foot.
- Step far enough to bring the toes of back foot in line w/ the heel of front foot.
- Unlock knees and allow them to bend softly.
- Tilt head back slightly, keeping shoulders pressed down, slowly bend back about 7.5cm.
- allow knees to bend naturally w/ the movement, pause and check body to make sure lower back isn’t arching yet.
- if it is fine for you, go back another 7.5cm (7.5cmx 2=15cm), pause and check. if strain in neck or spine appears, slowly come up again. keep practing the farther comfortable until muscles are developed strong enough to go more.
- if it is still comfortable, drop back another 7.5cm (7.5cm x 3=22.5cm), and raise the arm opposite supporting leg.
- Continue to dip back slowly by 7.5cm increments until the first sign of strain, then come back up 7.5cm. This point is the max range until muscles are stronger.
- If neck and back feel very strong, gently tilt head back and look at the ceiling. Hold for a few moments. Slowly come back up, leading w/ chest.
- Adding elegant Arm Movements
- use basic hands or offering hands
- adding fwd snake arms
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