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internet source: Belly Dancing |
- Start w/ both feet flat.
- Keeping the LF flat, touch the RF in front w/ only the ball of the foot.
- Return to starting position
- Switch sides. Keeping the RF flat, touch the LF in front w/ only the ball of the foot.
- Add the hips: each time the foot touches, the corresponding hip flicks up.
- Add the Egyptian Basic arm style: one hand on the forehead or behind the head and the other arm extended straight out.
- Put altogether: when you touch w/ RF, extend the R arm and place the L hand on the head. When you touch w/ your LF, extend L arm and place R hand on the head.
Pharaonic Walk
- Stand w/ R side at a 45’ angle to the front and head held up. Raise arms above head. Cross hands at the wrists so palms meet in prayer position.
- Pointing toes, lift L knee until foot is almost level w/ R knee.
- Slowly and deliberately extend and straighten leg and place foot flat on the floor, toes first.
- Repeat, stepping and lifting R leg.
The Indie Cross Step (also the V-Step, can be danced w/ two or four counts)
- Cross RF over the L, placing the RF flat on the floor.
- Bring L leg out and touch the ball of the LF to the side.
- Cross the LF over the Rm placing it flat on the floor.
- Step the RF out and touch the ball of RF to the side, Continue crossing and stepping out with flat-ball, flat-ball
- Add the hips: lifting the corresponding hip each time your foot goes out to the side.
- Add the arms: placing one hand on the head and extending the other arm out to the side, over the leg that is out.
- Put altogether:
- Cross the RF over L, bringing the LF out to the side while lifting the hip and bringing the L arrm out, R hand on the head.
- Cross the LF over R, bringing the RF out to the side while lifting the hip and bringing the R arm out, L hand to the head.
- Face the front wall, feet approx two feet apart w/ RF flat and weight on the ball of LF. The R arm is out and slightly bent, the L arm bent w/ L hand at the R shoulder.
- Bend L knee, causing the L hip to drop.
- Straighten L knee, lifting your hip as you Shuffle toward the R. Be sure not to lift either foot off the ground at any time.
- Repeat to travel sideways. Then switch sides.
Skip Step
- Standding on the balls of both feet, bring the RF fwd
- Bring the LF fwd to meet it.
- The step fwd w/ the RF again
- Switch feet and repeat w/ the L. All ball steps.
Scissor Step (can be done either flat-footed or on-toes, travelling or in-place)
- Stand wi/ all weight on L leg.
- RF fwd, shifting weight to the R as stepping to the front.
- Rock weight back on to the L as you lift RF to step back.
- Rock weight onto RF once again. Switch sides.
- Add the arms:
- Standing on LF, step fwd w/ RF, bringing R arm out and L arm over the chest
- Step back w/ RF, and bring the R arm over the chest and the L arm out to the side.
- Switch sides while switching footwork.
Ghawazee Slide Step (or Gypsy Step, used as a travelling step and/or hip step)
- Lift R leg and step fwd about 60cm.
- Shift body weight onto RF. step 1 & 2 should take only one count.
- Slide LF fwd until it is about 10cm behind R heel for count two.
- Finally, for count three, transfer weight onto back foot, then step fwd again w/ RF. Pause for the fourth count.
- Beginning another four counts, step fwd w/ LF, passing the R. Glide RF 7.5-10cm fwd to the L, and then step fwd again w/ LF. Repeat the entire movement from step 1.
Debke (vine)
- Using one count for each step, begin by crossing LF in front of R; stepping almost parallel to curren stance.
- Then w/ RF, step directly sideways to the R.
- W/ LF, now cross behind R, stepping parallel.
- Step one more time I the R w/ RF. Touch the floor lightly w/ th tip of the toe. This sequence should take four counts.
- Cross RF over L, stepping parallel.
- W/ LF step directly sideway to the L.
- W/ RF, step behind L.
- W/ LF, step again to the L, touching the floor lightly w/ the tip of toe. This sequence should take up the final four counts.
- Adding arms:
- raise your arms, bending at the elbows until hands are parallel to head. Bend wrists brill plans are flat and facing the ceiling.
- When stepping to L, look at that direction and keeping arms stiff, raise arm about 7.5 cm higher than your L.
- When stepping to R, return R arm to its original level and raise the L while looking R.
- Step fwd w/ RF. As transferring weight fwd, lift LF slightly off the floor.
- Now reverse direction and step down w/ LF. Rock back weight and lift RF slightly off the ground. Continue shifting centre of gravity back and step about 60cm behind your LF w/ your R.
- When all weight is on R leg. Lift LF slightly. Place it down and rock fwd. Transfer weight to LF.
- Step fwd w/ RF until it is back in its original position.
- Adding arms: easy, relaxed arm movements are best for this gentle travel step. When stepping fwd gently swing arms to the front, leading w/ wrists. When stepping back, gently swing arms behind you, again leading w/ wrists.
Arabesque (completely different from the Arabesque in ballet, stay low to the floor, kicking the leg slightly to flick the bottom of skirt, arms to the sides)
- Facing diag R, step flat on to RF
- kick delicately w/ LF. The L hip faces diag while the leg is turned out, knee facing front and toes pointed.
- Switching feet, step on the LF
- Step w/ RF again, continuing in the diag to the R.
- Switch sides.
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