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internet source: Belly Dancing |
Cobra Neck Slither (also Head Slide)
- Raise arms up above head so they are parallel to ears. Firmly press shoulders down and back, un-crowding you neck. Place palms together and lower them until elbows are bent at a 45’ angle.
- Slither head L, then R. Make sure not to tilt head in the direction you are moving to compensate for limited neck flexibility.
- Variation: instead of standing still and placing palms together w/ stragith wrists, twist wrists and cross them, meeting the palms in the middle (R). Step dramatically fwd, slithering as you go. Or try any of the Poses.
Shoulder Shimmy
- Stand in foundation w/ basic arms. Look at the position of hands and imagine that each one is resting on a wall so that it cannot move. Relax shoulders completely and raise them about 1cm or so.
- Push R shoulder fwd w/o moving arm or hand- remember, there is a wall there. Repeat eight times, making sure arms are still.
- Perform another set, but sharpen the movement by putting the accent on the push. Switch to L shoulder and repeat for eight counts on the L side.
- Again, repeat and sharpen the movement for eight counts.
- Alternate shouldrs L and R sharply, so as one shoulder is pushed out, the other is pulled in.
- Variation: for a playful, 1930s-style belly dance step, dip body slowly to the L, centre, then R, while practicing the shoulder shake.
Shoulder Circles
- stand w/ good posture, feet together, chest lifted and slightly fwd, and stomach pulled in. Keep chin pulled up and keep all muscles relaxed.
- extend R arm to the side on a slight fwd diagonal. Push R shoulder fwd, lift it up, bring it back, then down, making a full circle. Repeat this circle 8 times.
- Do the same on the L shoulder, repeat 8 times.
- Circle R and L shoulders at the same time. The R shoulder goes fwd as the L pushes back, R shoulder down as the L comes up. L fwd as R back, L down as R up. Do these Shoulder Circles 16 times
- Walking while doing Shoulder Circles: as stepping fwd w/ LF, circle R shoulder, then RF fwd w/ L shoulder. Make sure stepping fwd w/ flat foot.
The Basic Hand
- keeping wrist arched, straighten RH until it is sharp and tense. Hold for a few moments, then slightly relax so there is a softness in the joints. Slightly raise little finger and forefinger while dropping middle finger and thumb.
The Offering Hand
- hold out hand with the palm and forearm facing upward. Starting with the little finger, allow fingers to curl up very slightly while keeping forefinger almost perfectly straight.
Hand Circles (outsides & insides)
- Start w/ R hand in basic one position.
- Drop wrist and stiffen fingers while sweeping hand counterclockwise in a full half circle.
- Continue to rotate wrist until forearm and palm are facing up.
- Release stiffened fingers into basic two (offering hand) position.
- Straighten wrist and, gently curling fingers, softly fold hand at the base knuckles.
- Rotate wrist clockwise while sweeping hand down and around until the palm and forearm are facing down.
- Then, smoothly drop wrist while lifting hand, returning fingers to basic one.
Hand Waves
- Begin by standing straight, arms rounded in front o. Keeping all fingers together and the thumbs next to hands, push the balls of hands down, stretching the fingers up and as far back as possible.
- Cup your hands, lifting the balls of hands and bringing the fingers slightly downwarrd.
- Push the balls of hands down again, this time lifting fingers first, one knuckle at a time, until they are straight up, pushing the ball of hand down at the same time. repeat 16 times
- Raining Hand Waves: Lift arms high overhead, palms facing each other. Slowly bring the arms down alongside body as you do Hand Waves. Make 8 Hand Waves as your hands descend from overhead all the way down to the level of your hips. Bring the arms up and repeat the 8 Hand Waves as you lower your arms. Repeat 4 times
- The Veiled Lady: Cross your hands under your eyes as if they are a veil. Keepp elbows lifted and slowly open your arms as you do 8 Hand Waves. Cross again and repeat the 8 Hand Waves, opening the arms. 8 times.
Spanish Hands
- Start by holding one hand, bent at the wrist in basic one position, over the head, w/ fingers pointing at the ceiling.
- The other hand should also be in basic one, but held at waist level, fingers poing down.
- Starting w/ the index fingers on the upper and lower hands, fold over each finger at the base knuckles one at a time, while rotating wrists around in a circle (basic to offering hand switch)
- As turning wrist, straighten fingers and arc. Them back until they have returned to a relaxed basic position.
Hand Undulations
- Start w/ hand positioned level w/ your head, palm facing up, elbow out to your side.
- Lift your hand so that your palm face you. Keep your hand relaxed and fingers graceful.
- Begin curling your fingers away from you, pulling them back slightly.
- Curl your fingers back entirely and finish w/ your palm facing upwards.
- Combine steps 1-4 and practise undulating your hand, moving it btwn head and shoulder level. Practise this with one hand, then with the other.
Butterfly hand (variation of hand undulations)
- undulating both hands in front of you at face level. Peek through your moving hands as you alternately hold both palms face up, then turn them both downwards.
Classic Arms
- Raise one arm above your head, w/ palm facing out and fingers slightly parted and graceful. Hold the other arm down at your hip.
- Assume this pose w/ attitude. Stand proud, hold head high.
- Add movement to this pose by rotating hands inwards as fanning fingers
- Combine this pose w/ Hip Lifts and Drops, Tunisian Twists, and Moroccan Hip Circles.
Genie Arms
- Cross arms at chest level in frontbf your body so that forearms are parallel. Be careful not to tense neck and shoulders.
- Maintain an even distance btwn forearms when holding this pose.
- Combine Genie Arms w/ Chest Lifts and Drops and Chest Slides.
- Try holding this arm position while performing slow Chest Circles.
Temple Arms
- Hands together above head, palm facing, fingers pointing upwards, and elbows out to the sides. Align hands over the centre if the head.
- Cobra Slither or Head Slide always goes w/ this Temple Arms.
Goddess Arms
- Place one hand on hip, the other just behind head w/ elbow out to the side. Lift chest, and keep back straight.
- Hold head high and look fwd proudly.
- Combine Goddess Arms w/ the Travelling Hip Lift and Drop, and practise alternating hand positions as you lift your hip.
Sunrise Arms
- Stand straight, w/ stomach pulled in and chest lifted. Keep shoulders down and relaxed and arms down by your sides.
- Lifting from the elbows, cross your wrists and lift your arms to chest level.
- Keep pulling up w/ the elbows, followed by the wrists, lifting your arms straight overhead. When your arms are straight up, making sure to keep your shoulders down, stretch upward, lengthening from the waist
- Lower arms out to the sides, keeping them straight and bringing them just below shoulder level. Then lower the arms back to the sides of hips.
- Repeat 8 times, then try walking fwd.
- travelling fwd with Sunrise Arms:
- Take one step for each complete Sunrise, repeat 4 times
- Try it two steps for each complete Sumrise- one step w/ RF as the arm comes up, one w/ LF as the arm comes down. Repeat 4 times
- Step 4 steps for each, repeat 8 times
Sunset Arms
- Stand straight w/ stomach pulled in and chest lifted. Keep shoulders down and relaxed, begins w/ arms down.
- Starting w/ the elbow first, lift arms straight out to the sides, slightly below shoulder level.
- Continue to lift w/ the elbows, bringing the arms straight up. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed while lifting from the chest and lengthening the sides of the waist.
- Lower the arms, using the elbows and crossing the wrists, until they reach the level of your chest. Then drop your arms to the sides of hips.
- Repeat the Sunset Arms 8 times, making them flow through the four posotions.
- Travelling backwards w/ Sunset Arms
- Take one step back for each Complete Sunset. Repeat 4 times.
- Two steps w/ each. Repeat 4 times.
- Four times for each. 8 times.
Snake Arms
- Single snake arm
- Stand w/ feet flat on the floor and arms at sides, palms facing inward. Lift R arm, keeping it slightly bent at the elbow as if holding a large rolled-up towel under your arm. Roll sip idler fed so that elbow is point towards the ceiling.
- Raise arm, leading w/ elbow until it is just above shoulder height. Beginning w/ wrist, lift hand gradually.
- As hand continues to lift, rotate elbow to point down. Softly bend fingers and turn palm out, while gradually lowering arm until t is at your side. Repeat the step eight times, then start again w/ the L arm.
- Alternating snake arms
- Begin w/R arm, slowly lifting it until you rotate the elbow and change the direction of your hand. At the moment f dropping the R arm, start the L snake arm by raising L arm.
- As L elbow reaches shoulder level and rotates to turn down, R arm should be once again beginning it's ascent. Each arm should be working slowly in the opposite direction to the other.
- Variation: Small Snake Arms
- Making the undulations smaller.
- Ripple the arms at shoulder level at your sides, keeping the movements fluids and rhythmic.
- Travelling Snake Arms
- Begin in the Basic Stance. W/ arms at your sides, twerp fed w/ RF, placing it flat on the floor. Take care to keep knees soft.
- Touch the toes of LF out to the L so that feet are level. Simultaneously raise L arm (shoulder, elbow then wrist) to shoulder height at your side.
- Step fwd w/ LF, placing it flat on the floor, as you gracefully lower L arm, shoulder first, then elbow and wrist.
- Touch the toes of RF out to the R so that feet are level. As you do this, gracefully raise R arm(shoulder, elbow, wrist) to shoulder height at your side.
- Step fwd w/ RF, placing it flat on the floor, as you gracefully lower R arm. Repeat step 2-5 as necessary to move fwd. To finish travelling gracefully, at the end of the final step, step fwd w/ LF so that feet are parallel, and bring arms to your sides.
- Dancing w/ the snake arms
- Try stepping fwd on RF into a deep lunge, while arms are snaking to your side.
- Reach the deepest part of the lunge, hold and slowly bring snaking arms fwd to Meraid Arms so that hands at crossing in front of body.
- Snake in this position for a few moments, then slowly move arms back to the sides and slightly behind.
- Step back from the lunge, stop snaking and slowly bring arms to the front in prayer position.
Persian Arms (also Mermaid Arms)
- Start w/ arms down and in front if body w/ palms facing downwards. Raise R arm to chest level in front of you, leading w/ wrist.
- Turn R hand up and slowly lower your arm, bending elbow slightly as beginning gracefully raising L arm, leading w/ the wrist.
- Continue slowly lowering R arm as raising the L arm to chest level in front of you. Keep hands and fingers relaxed.
- Repeat step 1-3, undulating arms in front of you. As you raise one arm to chest level, lower the other to approximately hip level. Keep it smooth and rhythmic.
- Variation: Small Mermaid arms. For a more subtle, playful effect, make the movements smaller. Undulating arms at chest level in front of you, and focus more on the hands. The movements can be slow or fast but always graceful and rhythmic.
Isis Arms
- Raise L arm above head w/ palm facing outward, and extend R arm at shoulder height. Lift R shoulder, elbow, the wrist, as if performing Small Snake Arm.
- Flick hand up, then slowly lower shoulder, elbow and wrist.
- Repeat 1 & 2, undulating arm at shoulder height at your side. Mal the movements as smooth and graceful as possible. Then pracise Isis Arm w/ L arm.
- Combine Idiscatm w/ the Hip Dnake; the undulating hipovementss echo the fluid arm movements.
- Feel the move in upper arm as well as upper back shoulders.
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