but I think “Take the Lead” is much better


「型」到「震」的 Peck 以及 「懶索」發姣發到我想嘔的 Hardin, 這部 LAMBADA(1990) 選角一d都唔吸引。不過跳的 Lambada 比 Forbidden Dance 好得多, group dance 的話 Computer Room 同 No Man's Land 好 funny 且搞笑之餘仲好睇過step up 3 & 4。Stonewood High School 外的群毆及其後的 "bring him back" campaign 熟口熟面, GTO及YOU都出現過,但這個西洋老土版《我MISS係大佬》多了dancing元素,雖然舞種不是我 favourite,但總覺得好看過日本漫畫。臨尾的 Galaxy VS Stonewood SUPERQUIZ 有點... 不是有點,是太戲劇性,見到Singleton個樣,超想笑。AND, I love Blade's final speech.

Well, let's compare it with another dance movie, ''Take the Lead' (2006). Plot is less dramatic and  much more sensible since it is based on the real story of a dance teacher who believed in the talent of a group of problem kids. AND, there is Antonio Banderas, AND there is Tango, AND there is Antonio Banderas dancing tango, AND there is the very attractive Antonia Banderas dancing the very passionate tango! How can I not like it?
