Honey (2003)

A hot hip hop dancer & choreographer used dancing to keep kids off the street. How sweet!

Bearing a personal bias of liking Antonio too much, I would say the best among similar well-intentioned films would be Antonio in Take the Lead (2006) in which his tango is incomparably awesome. It is definitely subjective, however, that doesn't Honey is all crap. I think Honey (2003) is better than Lambada (1990).

So you see, the idea of “dance teachers making use of dance to save the kids” is not new. I undoubtedly buy this idea with the reason I stated before in the other two movie reviews so there is nothing more to say about it. Unlike Take the Lead and Lambada, Honey focused on a girl. Well when it comes to girls, talking points could be doubled up. Yes, Honey was cute and hot, that's part of the reason why the MV director paved her a way to fame; and that's how the story develop when she refused to sleep with him in exchange for a nicer career. Honey faced a more vexed complication than the decent men. Although most of the time it is very predictable, it is still cool to see this sweet piss the yuck director off in the face and step away. Career suicide seemed to end Honey but as I always said, a sexy but tough lady could be superwoman. The pursuit of dream will not be ended.

Oh and yes, she looks so sweet and you feel that the film's title is a best fit for her. Despite the sweetie's attractiveness, I was primarily drawn to it because of  the  MV dance. I quite like it since it is not mostly hopping like the very typical hip hop. I am not so into those multiple head spinning, as I always believe people who couldn't do headstand nor flexible enough to twist the body to impossible poses could move in a fantastic way. It is good to see the group dances, not too much twists and spins, but a group of people whose spirits were bonded together and thus they moved like a ONE. um... I like team spirit.
