Mad Hot Ballroom (2005)

Finally, I know why the recent dance movies cannot cheer me up despite all those fantastic tricks- they are all choreographed, and TOO choreographed. Surely I like dazzling dances, but as a dancer I like to watch something real.

Come on and watch little Wilson dancing the rhythm, his routine was nothing special, all basic steps and it's a repetition of the first for bars and endlessly looped it until the music faded. BUT, still melted my heart. The dance was sincere and sweet. That is what makes a dance a touching one.

Technique is of course one thing (they at least had a sense of how to move), the affection towards the dances, towards the music, towards the partner all added up to create a watchable dance even though there was no advanced variations.

I like the movie a lot, and think the major reason for my fondness was 'the teachers were also real'. Dance teachers are also teachers, they have their own ambitions and here we can see that the ultimate goal was to offer as much as she could so that the kids would become decent people when they grow up (not to make them decent dancers so they would join private classes). You could feel the enthusiasm when they openly cried and while talking about the children. That made you want to cry too. What is better, it made you believe that this world is full of hope. You know, you can hardly find such nice teachers who does not want to empty my wallet.

About the dances, ar... it doesn't look like International ballroom, rather like American rhythm / smooth. Although I am not familiar with any of them, one thing I can tell is that when you dance with your heart, you dance the most beautiful dance. Tell you what, the last swing was the best swing I had watched. The others I have seen was like flaunting themselves with all the lifts and drops, flips and flaps... Another thing I like is that they were naturally and nicely connected. A reasonable level of connection is indeed a thing most keen dancers work hard on but cannot achieve.
